

The operator node can be used to create a custom operator. Operators can be selected in buttons or run by shortcuts with the On Keypress node.

You can create properties on the node. These will be shown on buttons and run operator nodes. You can use them to pass data into the operator. This can be useful to have the same operator do different things or perform an action for a specific data item.

You can learn more about node properties here


Disable: When this condition is true, the operator will not run


Execute: This is the output that runs the main functionality of the operator

Before Popup: This ****RUNS before the operator popup is shown. While the execute output runs after, you can use this to prepare the operator for the popup if needed


Description: This will be shown as a tooltip on buttons

Popup: Here you can select different types of popups as explained below

Confirm: This will open a confirm popup that the user has to click on to run the operator

Popup: This will open a popup with an OK button. This will also add an interface output on the operator which you can use to for example display operator properties. The operator will run when the ok button is clicked. You will also have a width input to set the width of the popup. There is a Selected input on the node which lets you select one of your properties. This property will be active when the popup is opened meaning the user can start typing without having to click on it

Property Update: This looks like the popup option. The difference is that there’s no ok button, but the operator will run when the Selected property is updated

Search Popup: This will let you select an enum property. This enum property will be shown as a search menu. When the user selects an option the operator will run. You can then use that enum property to perform an action based on its value

Import File Browser: Opens a file browser to select files before the operator is run. This also adds a multiselect option and a list of allowed file extensions. Adds outputs for the selected file paths

Export File Browser: Opens a file browser to select a location and filename. This also adds an option to enter allowed file extensions of files that should be shown and a file extension that the final path should have. Adds an output for the chosen filepath